the original title came to me in the shower, as a riff on mathematical proofs. usually it's solve for X.
so instead i wanted to make it a social commentary on exploring the root causes of well...everything.
my original concept was a digital piece based on mathematical proofs, but i felt like I had done a lot of digital already. I randomly saw a video which I love, "Pepe Silvia w/ Drums" by David Dockery
and this brought up the visual of the crazy string and tacks.
I love creating physical art, and this one really flew out of me.
edit: After looking at this piece for a long while
and how the string gets thicker and more wrapped as it goes on,
i think it's an interesting representation how
our lives and minds and habits and beliefs and fears
all build off of each other
it also refers to Nietzsche's "weight of historical opinion" from Dawn of Day (more on that later)
understanding how our current "traditions" stem from "customs"
which are created by arbitrary distinctions in ancient cultures
as a means of creating social cohesion but resulting in hegemonic oppression.
but it's all the same thread.