okay, this is a stretch but if you're here there's a chance you're into it.
press play on the song and then try reading this as though they're the lyrics to this song.
it wasn't designed that way, i wrote this paper for a philosophy class in 2020
but when thinking about what i wanted to write for this song
i decided to review what unpublished writing i already had and well,
here we are. thanks for visiting EmperorSteve.com
Excerpt from my paper, "Madonna Was Right All Along"
Written December 13th, 2021
for Philosophy 101, Professor Zamzow at UCLA-Extensions
Madonna Was Right All Along
Since Descartes proposed the Mind-Body problem,
there has been ongoing debate as to whether reality is entirely made up of material substances,
or if there are immaterial substances playing a fundamental role in establishing independent consciousness.
I believe that the traditional dualist distinction between mind and body
misrepresents the antecedent of environment,
and the limits of human understanding regarding
the unseen, yet physical nature of magnetism,
and the charging of particles within our reality
are what enshroud the mysteries of free will
and create the false hypothetical possibility of a non-physical substance.
I argue that consciousness is actually a scale reproduction of the universal environment
within a contained body, a man-made pool in the environmental ocean, so to speak.
Our entire physical body is made up of molecules,
made up of elements that previously existed before our current personal use of them,
and our ability to perceive the environment and our role within it
is contingent on the existence of the environment.
This ability to perceive our environment is enabled by, and is equally limited by,
the senses and tools we have available to observe it.
What we refer to as “life” or consciousness
is actually a summative representation of our magnetic and electrical capabilities
which exist beyond our current understanding of physical reality.
There are positive and negative particles,
as well as neutral particles yet to be influenced,
and together in concert they comprise the entirety of
life, experience, existence, and reality.
To hypothetically remove the existence of either positive or negative particles
renders the entire system moot.
There can be no flow of energy, no spark of consciousness,
no reality to observe without the binary distinction of particulate charge.
It is only through a false assignment of relative importance that
we perceive our thought processes and connection with our eternal environment to be mysterious.
We are limited by our tools of perception, but these limits are falsely assumed as the boundaries of reality. Our experiences of existence are more similar than they are unique,
but our brain’s ability to observe variations
dedicate a majority of our cognitive capacity towards understanding these variables,
rather than conceding the overwhelming similarities in physical existence.
However, all of these variables can be explained
by the accumulation of magnetic energies
by maintaining a physical presence over time.
It is commonly understood that exposure to teratogens
impacts a prenatal human’s physical development.
This physical development precedes the development of cognitive capacity,
determining the individual’s level of ability to connect with their environment
in ways that generate memory and belief through the connection of physical neurons.
The set of integers containing infinity cannot contain infinity.
Finite consciousness is selectively composed of its infinite environment.
By sheer comparison of scale, a life’s collection of specific memories is not representative
of the infinite physical reality these memories were sampled from.
The idea that imagination can only take place inside one’s mind
is indeed demonstrative of a lack of imagination.
The sum of the universe is an infinite material substance.
Consciousness is a shape with no sides,
an infinite plane experiencing infinite probabilities,
temporarily annexed from itself, by itself.
The experience of existence is an interwoven material substance,
set upon itself by the forces of magnetic polarity.
We live in a material universe, and I am a physical thought.